Happy New Year to all our customers both old and new.
Just a little reminder that our shop has over 6,000 products on display and our online store at www.modelsandminiaturesofhereford.com has 2,500 products and growing by the day for all your modelling requirements and here is a selection of what we have for you
Model Railways
Rolling Stock - Hornby, Bachmann, Dapol, Graham Farish, EFE Rail, Heljan
Track - Hornby, Kato
Controllers - Hornby, Bachmann, Gaugemaster
Buildings - Hornby, Bachmann
Kits - Metcalfe, Gaugemaster, Dapol
Starter Sets - Hornby, Bachmann, Marklin
Scenery - Woodland Scenics, Gaugemaster
Accessories - Hornby, Bachmann, Graham Farish, Gaugemaster
Dolls House
A wide range of furniture and accessories both new and pre-owned spanning all eras
Ex display houses and new kits
Building materials including windows, doors, stairs and all those decorative finishes
Fimo modelling clay
Model Kits
A variety of subjects including vehicles, military, aeroplanes, space, boats, figures from Airfix, Revell and Tamiya
Diecast Models
A selection of all types of vehicles from Oxford Diecast, Corgi Trackside, EFE and Corgi
General Modelling Items
Tools and Brushes - Gaugemaster, Expo Tools, Humbrol, Revell
Paints - Railmatch, Revell
Weathering - Ammo Mig, Tamiya
Unit 4A Sigeric Business Park
Holme Lacy Road, Hereford. HR26BQ
Unit 4A Sigeric Business Park
Holme Lacy Road, Hereford. HR26BQ